Offering Quick, Reliable, and Professional Services to Meet Your Needs
Asbestos Inspections, LLC

Call for a Quote Today
Office 843-397-7008
Dawn Schoolcraft 843-995-5197
Mike Schoolcraft 843-344-6850

Lead-based paint hazards can be found in various kinds of renovation work which can include demolition, remodeling, repainting, etc in dwellings or facilities that were built before 1978. Lead dust hazards may be created where paint is sanded, scraped, or disturbed. There are 3 federal agencies that cover renovation work in housing which are as follows: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Lead-Based Paint Services

Lead Inspections & Risk Assessments
Lead inspections and risk assessments are first steps in identifying lead paint and lead hazards prior to renovations and/or demolition.
Lead-based paint inspections and risk assessments will consist of obtaining representative paint chip samples of each color of paint coating, as well as a visual assessment of the painted surfaces. The lead-based paint inspection is to comply with disposal and renovation requirements. Samples collected will be analyzed via National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) method 7420.
Once the fieldwork and laboratory analysis is complete, a final report will be prepared and submitted to you which will include:
- Project information,
- Assessment information,
- Findings (to include the following),
- Summary table with condition of each painted material sampled and analyzed,
- Labeled photographs of each sampled area,
- Diagram illustrating paint chip sample locations and confirmed Lead-Based Paint, and
- Conclusions and recommendations.